Trail Building Days – Sept 16th & 18th

Trail work continues and we need your help! Work will include pruning, carrying lumber, clearing brush, grubbing the trail tread and moving rocks.  We may also be building boardwalks. Please bring work gloves, water and a snack. We have some extra work gloves and safety glasses on site.

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Some tools are available, but please bring your own trail tools if you have them (loppers, shovels, pulaskis and hammers in particular). Please label your tools so they go home with you at the end of the day.
Please RSVP to & so we know how many are coming!

We’ll meet at the corner of Norawarren Drive and Reginald, at the mailbox on Norawarren. The civic address is 37 Norawarren — although there is no house yet at that address.