Help finish the Watershed Route in 2019!

Help finish the Watershed Route in 2019!

The Watershed Route will be a 10km singletrack trail link from Spryfield to Herring Cove, paralleling the Run. The route will cross jack pine barrens and lush forests in the most remote parts of the Watershed, and includes a bridge across the Run. Halifax Transit has stops at both ends. Like all our singletrack, it will be built for mountain biking, hiking, running and snowshoeing.

For 2019, MRWA is raising funds to finish the Watershed Route by building two new singletrack trails, 6km in total: 1) an access trail starting near Herring Cove Road in central Spryfield, 2) a trail connecting Flat Lake Trail to West Pine Trail. The project will:

  • complete a 10km long intermediate-level trail that crosses the most remote parts of the Watershed, and connects existing MRWA trail loops at both ends;
  • add a trailhead near central Spryfield, reducing congestion at other trailheads;
  • complete the “backbone” trail to the trail system, which enables next-phase trails of varying difficulties, linking to Fergusons Cove and other areas;
  • include overlooks of major wetlands, cross the historic ‘Old Military Road’ route that once connected Spryfield to York Redoubt.

Building sustainable singletrack in the Watershed is hard work, and completing the Route is beyond what volunteers can do. The estimated project cost of $136,000 is a combination of materials, trail crew wages for handbuilt trail, and a contractor for machine-built sections of the new entrance.

MRWA has been approved for a grant of $40,000 from the Province of Nova Scotia that requires 2/3 matching funds, so every $100 donation leverages $50 from the Province. 150% of your donation goes to building trails!

Let’s make it happen! We can do it with your support.

Donations of every amount help purchase materials, tools, and employ trailbuilders.

Here are some great ways to get involved and lend financial support to the trails!