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MRWA News Release: Model trail system ready to expand

MRWA News Release: Model trail system ready to expand

HALIFAX (Kjipuktuk), March 28, 2023 — The McIntosh Run Watershed Association (MRWA) is expanding the McIntosh Run trail system and will be adding 16 km of new backcountry singletrack trails to the  network. Over the last 24 months, MRWA completed a detailed plan for the expansion and secured landowner approvals. The first 3 km of new trails are under construction and will open this spring. MRWA is looking for community help to complete the project.

Trail news: Boulderama, Gutterball, Orange Jelly extension

Trail news: Boulderama, Gutterball, Orange Jelly extension

The MRWA volunteers and trail builders have been working hard on new trails since October, weather permitting! The new trails are all on the southwest side of the river, in the area between Norawarren and the existing Orange Jelly trail which starts at Sarah Drive. 

Granite Fondo, 2022 edition!

Granite Fondo, 2022 edition!

The 2nd annual Granite Fondo is here!!! Come on out for a day of social mountain bike riding on the singletrack and post ride mingling on Saturday, October 29, 2022. **Let us know you are coming and the distance you plan to ride** Say you 

Results of the Trail Survey

Results of the Trail Survey

In Fall 2021, the McIntosh Run Watershed Association (MRWA) conducted online and in-person user surveys for the McIntosh Run Trails, the system of singletrack trails that MRWA builds and manages on HRM and Crown lands in the McIntosh Run watershed and adjoining lands. Thanks to 

2022 Trail Tags!

Building and maintaining trails takes labour and materials. 100% of your Trail Tag payment goes to materials, tools, and paying trailbuilders or contractors for the projects volunteers alone can’t do. Every year there are 1000s of hours of volunteer labour, but funds are necessary too.